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Welcome to AstroShivom!

I am an astrophysics enthusiast who graduated from the Department of Astronomy(Geneva Observatory), University of Geneva in June 2022. I worked on hot Jupiters in my master's thesis under Prof. Monika Lendl and Dr. Adrien Deline. I used data from the MIT-led NASA mission TESS and detected tiny signals caused by reflected light from these hot giants. After my master's, I founded a start-up which aims to bridge the Art-STEM gap while empowering women. Currently, my sister is managing our venture. I have worked extensively in astronomy outreach, especially during my job at IUCAA

Crab Nebula

Shivom Gupta

Master of Science in Astrophysics 

Department of Astronomy (Geneva Observatory)

University of Geneva, Switzerland


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Background Image: Crab Nebula, Credit: NASA/ESA HST

Hello! नमस्कार I'm Shivom Gupta



July 2022--March 2024

Founder, AstonDesigns


I founded this venture in collaboration with my sister. This initiative aims to bridge the Art and STEM gap and promote STEM education worldwide with exclusive hand-embroidered and hand-painted ASTEM t-shirts and other products while educating and empowering women artists. AstonDesigns also aim for zero carbon footprint. We have tested our product in Switzerland and Poland.  

September 2021--June 2022

University of Geneva(UNIGE), Switzerland

Master's Thesis Student

Supervisor: Prof. Monika Lendl and Dr. Adrien Deline. The aim was to find hot Jupiters with robust secondary eclipse signals observed by the MIT-led NASA mission Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS) for high-precision follow-up observations with CHEOPS(CHaracterizing ExOPlanets Satellite), a Swiss-ESA mission. I used Gaussian Processes(GP) to correct for correlated noise (e.g. from host-star and instrument) in the data and a parametric transit model(BATMAN) to model the eclipse signal. I analyzed data from carefully shortlisted 29 hot Jupiters. I reported four new detections down to 100 ppm and smaller, twelve non-detections and improved three previous marginal detections to at least 3σ. Among a total of nine detections, I found six of them suitable for CHEOPS follow-up. I pushed myself further and inferred the physical properties of hot Jupiters using eclipse depth and parameters, including brightness temperature, day-side equilibrium temperature with different circulation models, bond albedo and geometric albedo.

August 2021

University of Geneva(UNIGE), Switzerland

Research Assistant(ARE)

Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Schaerer. The aim was to write a Python script to automate the LyC galaxy emitters' data visualization from different surveys to study correlations between emission line ratios for understanding galaxy formation, especially during the re-ionization epoch. 

February 2021--June 2021

Master Project Student

University of Geneva(UNIGE), Switzerland

Supervisor: Dr. Martin Turbet, (Currently a permanent Research Scientist at CNRS, France & formerly a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Astronomy, UNIGE). The aim of this semester-long project was to maximize the greenhouse effect for an Earth-like planet using a mixture of greenhouse gases. It helps in constraining the outer habitable zone of the host star. I used the DACE database to obtain the opacity data for different gases. Using mainly Beer-Lambert and Ideal gas law, I simulated an Earth-like atmosphere while considering numerous assumptions to reduce the complexity of the problem. I calculated the fraction of transmitted radiation and, hence, the absorbed radiation by the atmosphere. Furthermore, after lowering the data resolution, I also reduced computation time without losing much precision over the results. However, working with about 30 gases and a large number of parameters, my MCMC chains failed to converge.

February 2021--June 2021

University of Geneva(UNIGE), Switzerland

Master Project Student

Supervisor: Prof. Monika Lendl. The aim was to reduce the photometric observations of a planetary transit around WASP-52. Using mainly Python code and libraries such as Astropy and Numpy, I performed the aperture, time series and relative photometry of WASP-52 as observed by EulerCam in 42 frames on the 1.2 m Euler telescope at La Silla observatory (Chile). Light curve was extracted for the planet WASP-52b, with star flux drop by
a factor of 0.02712, which gives the radius of the planet around 1.263 times the size of Jupiter.

September 2020--January 2021

University of Geneva(UNIGE), Switzerland

Master Project Student

Supervisor: Prof. Francois Bouchy and Dr. Nolan Greives. The aim was to develop the first wavelength solution for the Near-InfraRed Planet Searcher(NIRPS) spectrograph before its commissioning on the ESO 3.6-m Telescope in La Silla, Chile. The wavelength solution is used for calibrating the instrument. I used NIRPS’s observed and simulated spectra and Uranium-Neon(UNe) emission lines from two catalogues (Redman et al. 2011 & Sarmiento et al. 2018) to perform the line selection process while adjusting the rough solution to the simulated spectra. I selected good emission lines and developed the first wavelength solution. Furthermore, I performed a check on my wavelength solution. I found the mean of the Littrow coefficient within the permitted range of optical design parameters of NIRPS. However, some Echelle orders were missing from the final wavelength solution due to bad spectral frames.

February 2018--June 2020

Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics(IUCAA), India

Project Assistant(Astronomy Outreach)

Supervisor: Prof. Surhud More and Mr. Samir Dhurde. I was responsible for conducting various outreach programs across India. I handled night-sky sessions(telescope viewing, astrophotography and sky reading), IUCAA summer camp for school students and internships for undergrads, weekly visits, teacher's training programs, content for social and print media, developing outreach resources, conducting and managing all public events, and national and international astronomy campaigns. I was also involved in LIGO and TMT India outreach, the DST-INSPIRE fellowship program and various highlighting events such as the mega science exhibition and  Guinness World Record.    

August 2016--December 2017


Space Technology & Education Private Limited, India

I was responsible for conducting astronomy outreach sessions, workshops and clubs in schools of Delhi-NCR, major public outreach events(solar eclipse, zero shadow day, Sally Ride EarthKAM, All India Asteroid Search Campaign etc.), training students in astronomical tools(Astrometrica, Stellarium etc.), developing astronomy related games, puzzles and other resources, handling social media and guided an asteroid discovery in 2017.

July 2015--June 2016

Feroz Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology, India

Undergraduate Thesis Project Student

Supervisor: Prof. H.K Bansal. The aim was to improve the aerodynamic parameters (e.g. Coefficient of Lift and Drag) of an experimental aerofoil that uses the newly developed concept of co-flow jet flow and discrete co-flow jet flow, an active method to prevent stall of the aerofoil at high angle of attack by delaying the flow separation over the modified NACA 6415 aerofoil. This was mainly accomplished by re-directing a fraction of airmass from the trailing edge to the leading edge using the external pumps. I co-led this project in a team of six, and we improved the Coefficient of Lift by 1.27 times. The testing was carried out in a wind tunnel facility at the Department of Aeronautical Engineering.     

January 2015--May 2015

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant(Space Sciences)

Feroz Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology, India

Main Teacher: Prof. Ramesh Sharma I was responsible for taking lectures in the course 'Space Sciences'. I also helped in evaluating mid-term exams. 

January 2015--April 2015


Community Teaching Assistant(Super-Earth & Life)

Supervisor: Prof. Dimitar Sasselov. I was responsible for maintaining smooth communication between the instructors and the class. At times, I also answered questions from the doubt session.



September 2020--June 2022

Master of Science in Astrophysics

Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Department of Astronomy(Geneva Observatory), Thesis: Reflected Light from Hot-Jupiters as Seen by TESS. Supervisor: Prof. Monika Lendl and Dr. Adrian Deline

September 2014--May 2015

edX, Australian National University

X-series Course

Equivalent to the first-year postgraduate course at the Australian National University. Teacher: Prof. Paul Francis and Prof. Brian Schmidt.

July 2012--June 2016

Bachelor in Aeronautical Engineering

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, India

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Feroz Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology. Thesis: Co-flow Jet Flow Control Aerofoil. Supervisor: Prof. H.K Bansal



Pratap Shiksha Sansthan, India

Passed Intermediate from Board of High School and Intermediate Education U.P.



Shree Mahaprabhu Public School, India

Passed Matriculation from Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). 



Dynamics of Planetary Systems, Planet Formation and Evolution, Detection and Characterization Techniques, Planetary Atmosphere, Star and Planets.

Astronomical Observables and Observations, Observational Techniques, Photometry Module (Observations, Data Acquisitions, Data Analysis), Astrophysics and Data Sciences

Astrophysical Lab-I, Astrophysical Lab-II, Astrophysics Colloquium, Exoplanetology Exercises

Physical Processes in Astrophysics(Microscopic), Physical Processes in Astrophysics(Macroscopic), Galaxies & Cosmology

Mathematics-I, Mathematics-II, Mathematics-III, Engineering Physics-I, Engineering Physics-II,Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Applied Thermodynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer

Computer Concepts & Programming in C, Computer-Aided Engineering Graphics

Space Sciences, Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering, Aerodynamics-I, Propulsion-I, Aerodynamics-II, Propulsion-II, Aerodynamics Design & Testing, Rockets & Missiles 

Heat & Mass Transfer Lab, Aircraft Instruments Lab, Aero Engine Lab, Aircraft Systems Lab, Measurement & Metrology Lab, Manufacturing Science Lab, Heat & Mass Transfer Lab, Aircraft Systems Lab 


Experienced in Python, DS9, Astrometrica, MaximDL, AstroImageJ, Photoshop, Overleaf/LATEX & Microsoft Office

Efficient in C, MATLAB & CATIA

English (Full Professional Proficiency)

Hindi (Native Proficiency)

Sanskrit (Reading Only)

Marathi (Listening Proficiency)


Scholarship of CHF 8800 for Master year-2 by Hans Wilsdorf Foundation,

Scholarship of INR 250000 for Undergraduate tuition+living by U.P Government

Funding of INR 160000 for conference travel (2nd COSPAR Symposium, Brazil) by the Department of Aeronautical Engineering

Pre-final round qualifier: IIT-KGP techno-management fest for designing an amphibian car in a team of five in the event “Bay Strider”

Attended funded summer school on "Exoplanet & Astrobiology" at NARIT, Thailand

2nd School Topper in Matriculation(10th) 

Guided two students from St. Thomas School in the All India Asteroid Search Campaign(AIASC), leading to an Asteroid Discovery(2017OE3) in 2017. 

Runner-up in the “Mr. Fresher” event in the first year of my undergraduate program




Astronomy Outreach(Only Highlighted) 

  • Invited Speaker(Two times): Astronomy Summer School organized by India's oldest amateur astronomy club JVP, where I spoke on exoplanets and careers in astronomy.

  • Invited Speaker: I gave a talk on "Astronomy & Its Relation to the Environment" to INSPIRE fellow students (Grade 12) at IUCAA.

  • Invited Speaker: I gave a talk to all the students from the pre-final round of the Astronomy Olympiad at MESC, Pune. 

  • A resource person from IUCAA for “Largest Astrophysics Lesson: A
    Guinness World Record” at IISF, Kolkata. I was also responsible for improving the design of the CD spectrograph.

  • I conducted an international Campaign “Sally Ride EarthKAM” at Modern High School, Pune. The event was reported in the news media.

  • A two-day workshop in one of the remote schools in Punjab and reported in print media.

  • A day-long workshop along with a hands-on night sky session in one of the remote schools from Girawali Observatory. This event was also covered by print media.

  • Played the role of "Galileo Galilei" at the mega science exhibition, Vigyan Samagam and at numerous such events.

  • Managed numerous events under the umbrella of "Astronomers Without Borders".

  • I gave a lecture on the basics of astronomy and space toys in a teacher's training program where 20 best teachers from various NGOs of Maharashtra participated.

  • Interacted with an audience of more than 1,000 people on the InOMN at IUCAA. 


  • I volunteered for the “TLC workshop on Night Sky Photometer Fabrication (NSPF)" conducted by IUCAA for university-level teachers. Apart from helping participants test their photometer over a telescope, I fabricated one photometer for the outreach centre. 

  • I was a volunteer in the Workshop on, “Developing Astronomy-Themed Experiments(ATE) for College/Universities”, (ATE 2018) conducted by IUCAA.

  • I volunteered for LIGO and TMT India Outreach at various events such as National Science Day and Mega Science Exhibitions and translated 12 posters in Hindi for Pan India LIGO India outreach events (eg. Vigyan Samagam 2019).

  • I volunteered for the national campaign, “Name Exoworlds” (India), in which I gave a number of talks on exoplanets,  both online and in-person across India. 

  • I volunteered to translate a document of IAU-OAD on "Light Pollution" in Hindi.

Workshop/Conferences/Summer School

  • Attended a series of workshops on "Soft Skills for an Astronomer’s Career", at the University of Geneva (2021-2022).

  • Attended Astrophysics Colloquium, at the University of Geneva (2020-2022).

  • Attended PlanetS General Assembly(only online) (2021). 

  • A week-long "NARIT School on Exoplanets & Astrobiology" (2019).

  • Attended the 2nd COSPAR Symposium in Brazil and presented my two works in an oral and a poster presentation (2015).


  • 10 Online Courses in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Edx & Coursera) (2014-2015).

  • NASA Challenge: Reducing Galactic Cosmic Rays to Enable Long Duration
    Deep Space Human Exploration (Innocentive Project ID:9933637) (2014).

  • NASA’s Balance Mass Challenge (Innocentive Project ID:9933607) (2014).

Outreach Articles & Resources (Only Highlighted)

Other Activities

  • Organized paper plane competition and coordinated a workshop on “Aero-modelling”, FGIET, India (2014).

  • Being a writer, I pen down poetries mostly in my native language. I have four portfolios (P1, P2, P3, P4) on Most of them are spontaneous outpours, including the ones on COVID-19 and Stars and exoplanets etc. 

  • I enjoy teaching and have been tutoring since my undergrad. One of my students got 1st rank in her school.

  • Music and singing is one of my personal interest, and I have given a couple of stage performances, especially during my undergrad. 

  • I like cooking and have also volunteered in some of the mega kitchens in India, feeding the needy.

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